On Wednesday 23rd February, Oakhyrst Grange hosted the first ever Senior Girls football match here at the home on our lovely all whether pitches against Hawthorns school. The game was a mixture between Year 5 and Year 6 girls with multiple teams so everyone gets a chance to play. Our girls were outstanding with lots of brutal crunching tackles, to high flying saves and then to some lovely passing football being played across all of the teams. For some, it was the first time playing football against another school, so what an experience it was for them. Overall, Hawthorns just had the edge when it came down to results, but the whole idea was just to have fun and to play with a smile on our faces.
To finish of the successful day, we enjoyed some lovely warm food in our hall where the children and parents could experience match tea once again after such a long time of not doing so.
Thinking forward about girls football, this is something we are now looking to progress even further. Well done to all the year 5 and 6 girls. We are very proud of you!
Mr James Steel
Head of Sport