Another year and another thought provoking Harvest Festival led by our dear friend Rev. Frany. The readings were read and delivered well by Emilie S, Jackson D and Connie H in Year 6 with our thanks to Mr Womersley for helping the children prepare.
Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 provided a very professional performance singing ‘Harvest’ with special thanks to Miss Lomax for her help in their preparation. The Senior choir sang beautifully ‘Bring Your Children Hope’ with the required conviction to convey the words of the song. Thanks, as always, to Mrs Leyshon for her expertise in conducting and assistance in helping the children towards their performance.
A heartfelt thanks from everyone at Oakhyrst to Mrs Carter for doing a most inspiring display of flowers and goods, but for also for collecting and delivering all the goods to the food bank. All your generous donations will certainly help to make a difference to people so thank you for that.
The children enjoyed walking back from the church and looked forward to having ‘warm pain au chocolats’ (as did the staff!)
We look forward to our Christmas Carol Service when we will return to St Mary’s.
Mrs Debbie Stevens, Head of Music