Harvest Festival – Thursday 3rd October 2024

On Thursday 3rd October 2024 we met at St Mary’s Church for our annual morning Harvest Festival Service.  The children were suitably excited and the church was packed with parents and family members.  My thanks to Mrs Stevens, our Head of Music and other members of staff who were involved in preparing the musical items.  Thanks too, to Mr Womersley, our Year 6 Teacher for preparing the readers.  Reverend Frany gave us a warm welcome and presented a very interesting address.  It was pleasing to note some of the children’s thoughts on their desert island accessories and choices.  These ranged from scorpions to bikinis.

As always, our parents provided generous supplies of provisions for the Trussell Trust.  A special thanks to Mrs Carter and her helpers for collecting the donations, making a wonderful display in the church of them, and then distributing them.

By tradition the Kindergarten children were delivered back to school by minibus.  The rest of the school formed a walking train and we made our way back to Oakhyrst on foot in glorious sunshine.

My sincere thanks to everyone involved for providing yet another wonderful community event.

Mr Alex Gear, Headmaster