Frequently Asked Questions


What are the main entry points to Oakhyrst Grange School?

Our main intake in Lower Kindergarten takes place during the academic year of the child’s 4th birthday or Kindergarten at the beginning of the Autumn Term. We do accept children at any point during the year providing that we have the space to do so.

How big are the class sizes at Oakhyrst Grange school?

We limit our class sizes to 20. In Lower Kindergarten and Kindergarten  the teacher is supported by a classroom assistant.

Will my child have to sit an entrance exam to get into Oakhyrst Grange school?

There are no entrance exams at Oakhyrst Grange school for Lower Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 1. From Year 2, children are invited to attend a ‘taster’ day, where the child(ren) will have the opportunity to meet their teacher and class as well as sitting a series of ‘informal’ tests in English, Maths and reading skills.

Are visits limited to regular Open Mornings or can I make an appointment to visit Oakhyrst Grange School at any time?

We have three Open Mornings during the academic year, to which parents are very welcome. You are very welcome to make an appointment to tour the school, talk to the Headmaster, Mr Gear and to the teachers and pupils.

At what age can my child join Lower Kindergarten at Oakhyrst Grange School and how many sessions a week would they be expected to attend?

Your child can join Lower Kindergarten in the academic year that they have their fourth birthday. The number of sessions that your child initially attends is decided in consultation with the Lower Kindergarten teacher, however, we do like parents to commit to a minimum of five morning sessions a week. Additional sessions can be added when your child is considered ready and able to do so.

What extra-curricular activities do you offer at Oakhyrst Grange school?

We offer a variety of activities both during the day and after school. After school activities take place between 3.30pm and 5.00pm and are mainly on offer to children in Year 1 and above. Some activities are chargeable (please refer to the Clubs Form which can be requested from the School Office for more details).

What wrap around care provision is there at Oakhyrst Grange School?

For children across the school we run a Breakfast Club from 7.30am and an Early Bird ‘drop off’ Club that starts at 8.00am until 8.15am. The children are supervised by a member of staff and have the opportunity to play before the school day begins. There is a small charge of £6.00 to include breakfast or £2.00 for the drop off session per morning.

The After School Care we provide for children in LKG and KG is between 3.20pm and 5.00pm. Option 1 only.  A maximum of 8 spaces are available each evening. Children will be supervised in the Kindergarten Classroom.

For pupils in Years 1 to 6 pupils we provide After School Care between 3.30pm and 6.00pm from Monday to Friday.  There are three available options:

Option 1 :                3.30 – 5.00 pm                  £7.00

Option 2 :                4.45 – 6.00 pm                £10.00 (includes refreshments)

Option 3 :                3.45 – 6.00 pm                £12.00 (includes refreshments)

All of these before and after school care provisions should be booked and paid for using the Wisepay System.

Each session comprises supervised homework sessions in our Brookes Winterflood Annexe (BWA) Hall. After the children have finished their homework they are free to take part in supervised play, either in the hall or outside if the weather allows.

Am I eligible to claim the Nursery Grant?

Children aged 3 and 4 are entitled to the nursery grant depending upon when they were born. Please refer to the Useful Links section of the website where further information can be obtained from Surrey County Council’s website.

Can I pay my fees by direct debit?

Fees can be paid monthly by direct debit through our external partner only, School Fee Plan. This can be arranged with the School’s Bursar.

Can I play my fees by credit card?

Yes using VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, Diners, Discover, Apple pay and Google pay.  This can be arranged with the School’s Bursar.

Can I use Childcare vouchers to offset my fees?

Yes, these can be used against fees up to and including the term that your child turns five.  After this you can only use them to pay for extra curricular clubs and activities before or after school. Please check with the School’s Bursar regarding which schemes we have in place.

From where can we purchase the uniform for Oakhyrst Grange School?

Uniform is available from our uniform provider Ellis Scott Schoolwear, 24 Church St, Reigate RH2 0AN

Tel: 01737 243825